





1. 控制工程、机械工程、电子工程等专业背景;

2. 专业基础扎实、实践能力强、理论联系实际;

3. 有情怀,志于科学技术进步、民族工业发展。


2007/09 – 2013/12,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,博士(硕博连读)
2003/09 – 2007/06,山东大学,机械工程学院,学士


2024.01-至      今,上海交通大学,电子信息与电气工程学院,研究员









  • 主持, 军口横向,XXX 态势预测与演进,2024.01-2024.12

  • 技术骨干, 上海市“科技创新行动计划”,纳米级精度五轴联动超精密加工机床研制及应用(子课题,超精密机床多轴联动控制),2022.09-2024.08

  • 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目,机器人非结构化3D工业操作场景弱监督虚实迁移认知方法,2023.01-2026.12

  • 主持,教育部xx基金项目xxx控制器研发, 2021.12-2023.12

  • 主持,上海市科技攻关“揭榜挂帅”项目,大行程高精度垂向位移台研发,2021.11-2023.06

  • 技术骨干,自然资源部第二海洋研究所“深蓝计划”重点项目,基于人工智能的海洋硅藻自动鉴定与分析技术研究 ,2021.11-2024.10(交大方负责人)

  • 主持,上海航天先进技术联合研究基金重点项目,XXX 激光引导作业技术,2021.03-2022.10

  • 技术骨干,教育部-中国移动联合基金建设项目,智能制造关键技术-智能感知(工业传感网络与边缘计算技术),2020.05-2022.06

  • 技术骨干, 国家重点研发计划课题,基于5G大连接和边云协同的数据状态感知和动态传输规划,2020.05-2023.04

  • 主持,国家重点研发计划课题,智能工厂双层级管控一体网络与边缘端感知-控制技术,2019.05-2022.12

  • 主持,上海市“科技创新行动计划”,面向机器人非结构化操作的场景认知与自主控制技术研究,2019.09-2021.08

  • 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目,面向智能机器人柔性装配系统自主控制的主动视觉感知技术研究,2016.01-2018.12

  • 主持,中国博士后科学基金,拟人上臂假肢的视觉反馈设计与智能双闭环控制方法研究,2014.01-2015.12

  • 技术负责人,国家重大科学仪器专项,多维高分辨生物组织表征与分析仪器开发与应用,2013.08-2018.09

  • 主持,企业合作项目,机器人自动溶液配制仪器研制,2016.01 – 2017.08

  • 主持,企业合作项目,焦尔精炼生产线控制软件系统研发,2016.01-2017.12



  • 位广宇, 谷朝臣*, 杨舒盛, 等. 非对称柔性支撑龙门双驱平台的解耦与同步控制[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2023, 57(5): 593-600.
  • Gu CC*, Feng Q, Lu CS, et al. Towards Automated Robot Manipulation: A Unified Active Vision Framework[J]. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2023, 38 (4): 284-295.
  • Gu CC*, Feng Q, Lu CS, et al. Segmentation based 6D pose estimation using integrated shape pattern and RGB information[J]. Pattern Analysis and Applications,  2022, 25(4): 1055-1073.
  • Guan TK, Gu CC*, Lu CS, et al. Industrial Scene Text Detection with Refined Feature-attentive Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022, 32(9): 6073-6085.
  • Lu CS, Gu CC*, Wu KJ, Deep Transfer Neural Network Using Hybrid Representations of Domain Discrepancy[J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 409: 60-73.
  • Gu CJ, Gu CC*, Wu KJ, Guan XP, Zhang LJ. CAD-BASED Viewpoint Estimation of Texture-Less Object Using Domain Adaptation, International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 2019, 34(6).
  • Huang Y, Gu CC*, Guan XP. Integrating Classical Control into Reinforcement Learning Policy[J]. Neural Processing Letters, 2021, 53(3): 1709-1722.
  • Gu CC, Cheng H, Wu KJ*, et al. A High Precision Laser-Based Autofocus Method Using Biased Image Plane for Microscopy[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2018: 8542680
  • Yang BQ, Zhang T, Gu CC*, Guan XP. A novel face recognition method based on IWLD and IWBC[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(12): 6979-7002.
  • Yang BQ, Gu CC*, Wu KJ, et al. Simultaneous dimensionality reduction and dictionary learning for sparse representation based classification[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(6):8969–8990.
  • Gu CC, Wu KJ, Hu J*, Guan, XP. Region sampling for robust and rapid autofocus in microscope[J]. Microscopy research and technique, 2015, 78(5): 382-390.
  • Gu CC, Hu J*, Wu KJ, Peng YH. Quantitative behavioral knowledge modeling for functional case adaptation[J]. Research in Engineering Design, 2015, 26(4): 309-326.
  • Gu CC, Hu J*, Peng YH, Li S. FCBS model for functional kowledge representation in conceptual design[J]. Journal of Engineering Design, 2012, 23(8): 577-596. 
  • Gu CC, Hu J*, Peng YH. Functional case modelling for knowledge-driven conceptual design[J]. Proc. IMechE, Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture , 2012, 226(4): 757-771.


  • Guan TK, Gu CC*, Tu JZ, et al. Self-supervised Implicit Glyph Attention for Text Recognition[C],  IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
  • Zhang F, Gu CC*, Zhang CY,Dai YC. Complementary Patch for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation[C], IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),2021
  • Zhao SX, Gu CC*, Lu CS, et al. PointDoN: A Shape Pattern Aggregation Module for Deep Learning on Point Cloud[C]//International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IEEE, 2019.
  • Lu CS, Wang HT, Gu CC*, et al. Viewpoint Estimation for Workpieces with Deep Transfer Learning from Cold to Hot[C]//International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Springer, Cham, 2018: 21-32.
  • Huang Y, Gu C*, Wu KJ, et al. Parallel Search by Reinforcement Learning for Object Detection[C]//Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV). Springer, Cham, 2018: 272-283.
  • Huang Y, Gu CC*, Wu KJ, et al. Reinforcement Learning Policy with Proportional-Integral Control[C]//International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Springer, Cham, 2018: 253-264.
  • Gu CJ, Lu CS, Gu CC*, Wu KJ ,Guan XP, Viewpoint estimation using triplet loss with a novel view-point-based input selection strategy[C]// International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. 2019.
  • Zhang LJ, Gu CC*, Wu KJ, et al. Model-based Active Viewpoint Transfer for Purposive Perception. 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2017.
  • Zhang LJ, Gu CJ, Gu CC*, et al. Semantic Translation with Convolutional Encoder-decoder Networks for Viewpoint Estimation. The 2017 Asian Control Conference (ASCC). 2017.
  • Wang D, Gu CC*, Wu KJ, et al. Adversarial Neural Networks for Basal Membrane Segmentation of Microinvasive Cervix Carcinoma in Histopathology Images .International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2017. 2017.
  • Yang BQ, Gu CC*, Wu KJ, Guan XP. Supervised class-specific dictionary learning for pattern classification[C]. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2016.


2023.12  中国光谷成果转化奖

2023.12  第三届全国机械工业设计创新设计大赛    产品组铜奖

2023.09  第二十三届中国国际工业博览会    高校展区优秀展品奖

2023.03  上海市自动化学会科技进步奖    一等奖

2022.12   数字医学技术及应用创新大赛     二等奖

2017.11   第十九届中国国际高新技术成果交易会    优秀产品奖

2017.09   第十九届中国国际工业博览会    高校展区优秀展品奖特等奖

2017.09   NCI-MICCAI 2017 Grand Challenge     第二名


CS146, C语言程序设计

CS154, 程序设计思想与方法(C++)

