2003.9 ~ 2008.3, 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学电子与计算机工程系,获博士学位
2000.9 ~ 2002.9, 燕山大学控制理论与控制工程专业,获硕士学位
1996.9 ~ 2000.7, 南昌大学自动化系,获学士学位
2022.1 ~ 至今, 上海交通大学,自动化系,研究员
2013.1 ~ 2021.12,上海交通大学,自动化系,副教授
2011.3 ~ 2012.12,上海交通大学,自动化系,讲师
2017.8 ~ 2018.8,美国波士顿大学电气电子工程系, 访问教授
2008.4 ~ 2011.2,世界500强公司Tyco Thermal Controls加拿大总部Tracer,项目工程师
Selected Publications:
[1] Yinan Ma; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Yi-Bing Lin, MobiDIV: A privacy-aware real-time driver identity verification on mobile phone, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(4), pp.2802-2816
[2] Lijun Wei; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Bo Li, On Designing Context-Aware Trust Model and Service Delegation for Social Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 8(6), pp.4775-4787
[3] Yuhan Yang; Chengnian Long; Jing Wu; Shaoliang Peng; Bo Li, D2D-Enabled Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading for Multi-user IoT Network, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 8(16), pp. 12490-12504
[4] Shushang Li; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Yi-Bing Lin, A Full-Process Optimization-Based Background Subtraction for Moving Object Detection on General-Purpose Embedded Devices, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2021, 67(2), pp. 129-140
[5] Yigao Du; Jing Wu; Shaoyuan Li; Chengnian Long; Simona Oncri; Hierarchical Coordination of Two-Time Scale Microgrids With Supply-Demand Imbalance, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(5), pp.3726-3736,
[6] Chensheng Liu; Hao Liang; Tongwen Chen; Jing Wu; and Chengnian Long, Joint Admittance Perturbation and Meter Protection for Mitigating Stealthy FDI Attacks against Power System State Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(2), pp.1468-1478
[7] José Luis Calderón Choy; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Yi-Bing Lin, Ubiquitous and Low Power Vehicles Speed Monitoring for Intelligent Transport Systems,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20 (11), pp.5656-5665
[8] Yigao Du; Jing Wu; Shaoyuan Li; Chengnian Long; Simona Oncri, Coordinated Energy Dispatch of Autonomous Microgrids with Distributed MPC Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019,15(9):5289-5298
[9] Chensheng Liu; Min Zhou; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Deepa Kundur, Financially Motivated FDI on SCED in Real-Time Electricity Markets: Attacks and Mitigation, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(2): 1949-1959
[10] Yigao Du; Jing Wu; Shaoyuan Li; Chengnian Long; Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Distributed MPC for Coordinated Energy Efficiency Utilization in Microgrid Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(2): 1781-1790
[11] Chensheng Liu; Min Zhou; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Yebin Wang, Electric vehicle en-route charging navigation systems: joint charging and routing optimization, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019, 27(2): 906-914
[12] Yiming Zhao; Yebin Wang; Mengchu Zhou; Jing Wu, Energy-Optimal Collision-Free Motion Planning for Multiaxis Motion Systems: An Alternating Quadratic Programming Approach, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019, 16(1):327-338
[13] Chensheng Liu; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Deepa Kundur, Reactance Perturbation for Detecting and Identifying FDI Attacks in Power System State Estimation, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2018, 12(4): 763-776
[14] Rui Huang; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Yanmin Zhu; Bo Li; Yi-Bing Lin, Mitigate the Obstructing Effect of Vehicles on the Propagation of VANETs Safety-related Information, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67(7): 5558-5569
[15] Rui Huang; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Yanmin Zhu; Bo Li; Yi-Bing Lin, SPRCA: Distributed Multisource Information Propagation in Multichannel VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017, 66(12): 11306-11316
[16] Chensheng Liu; Jing Wu; Chengnian Long; Yebin Wang, Dynamic State Recovery for Cyber-Physical Systems under Switching Location Attacks, IEEE Transaction on Control of Network Systems, 2017, 4(1): 14-22
2021 自动化教指委自动化类专业青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖
2019 上海交通大学青年教师教学大赛三等奖
2018 上海交通大学晨星青年学者副教授A类
2017 中国自动化学会高等教育教学一等奖
2017 上海交通大学教学成果一等奖
2016 中国自动化学会高等教育教学二等奖
2016 上海交通大学教学成果二等奖
2016 上海交通大学烛光奖励计划一等奖
2015 台达杯高校自动化设计大赛特等奖(指导教师)
2014 上海交通大学烛光奖励计划二等奖
学习与控制中的优化 2020-至今
Process Control Systems (全英文)2015-至今
Smart Manufacturing and Robotics (全英文)2015
模拟电子技术 2015