







  • 2020年7月-2024年4月,上海交通大学自动化系,博士后,合作导师:李德伟
  • 2024年5月-至今,上海交通大学自动化系,助理研究员


  1. 1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,分段仿射系统的分布式模型预测控制研究,在研,主持。
  2. 2. 中国博士后科学基金第69批面上资助,混杂系统的强化学习分布式模型预测控制研究,结题,主持。
  3. 3. 横向项目,数字孪生行为与规则模型开发,在研,主持。
  4. 4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,车联网环境下复杂混合交通系统优化调控理论与关键技术,在研,参与。
  5. 5. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,实时数据驱动的多阶段批次过程协同优化控制设计与应用研究,在研,参与。


  1. [1] AY. Ma, DW. Li, YG. Xi, Distributed MPC based on robustly controllable sets for PWA systems, Automatica, 2023, 154: 111078.
  2. [2] AY. Ma, K. Liu, QR. Zhang, YQ. Xia, Event-triggered distributed MPC with variable prediction horizon, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 66(10): 4873-4880.
  3. [3] AY. Ma, K. Liu, QR. Zhang, YQ. Xia, Distributed MPC for linear discrete-time systems with disturbances and coupled states, System & Control Letters, 2020, 135: 104578.
  4. [4] AY. Ma, QF. Cheng, K. Liu, YQ. Xia, Time optimal model predictive control for linear systems based on ellipsoidal and polytopic sets, International Journal of Control, 2021, 94(8): 2215-2223.
  5. [5] AY. Ma, DW. Li, YG. Xi, Robust tube-based distributed MPC for PWA systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2023, 17(16): 2205-2214.
  6. [6] K. Liu, AY. Ma, YQ. Xia, ZQ. Sun, KH. Johansson, Network scheduling and control co-design for multi-loop MPC, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019, 64(12), 5238-5245.
  7. [7] LY. Yang, AY. Ma, DW. Li, YG. Xi, Input-mapping based data-driven model predictive control for unknown linear systems with bounded disturbance, Automatica, 2023, 153: 111056.
  8. [8] LY. Yang, DW. Li, AY. Ma, YG. Xi, Y. Pu, Y. Tan, Input-mapping based data-driven model predictive control for unknown linear systems via online learning, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/rnc.6237.
  9. [9] YR. Yu, DW. Li, DY. Zhao, YG. Xi, AY. Ma, A co-design method of online learning SMC law via an input-mapping strategy, Automatica, 2024, 159: 111392.
