2024年1月 - 至今,上海交通大学自动化系,长聘副教授
2017年9月 - 2023年12月,上海交通大学自动化系,长聘教轨副教授
2013 - 2017,密西根大学(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor),电气工程与计算机科学系,博士
2012 - 2013,密西根大学(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor),电气工程与计算机科学系,硕士
2008 - 2012,浙江大学,电气工程学院,本科
国家自然科学基金面上项目: 开放交互环境下离散事件动态系统的博弈监控理论研究, 58万, 主持, 2022
国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目(中德): 基于不透明性的大规模CPS信息安全形式化分析与设计, 244万, 主持, 2021
国家自然科学基金青年项目: 基于离散事件系统监控理论的CPS信息安全分析与防护, 25万, 主持, 2019
中组部青年千人计划项目, 300万, 主持, 2018
上海交通大学双一流建设经费, 300万, 主持, 2018
上海交通大学前瞻布局项目: 信息物理系统分析与控制的基础理论, 50万, 主持, 2020
国家自然科学基金重点项目: 网络化系统分布式实时优化决策理论应用, 265万, 参与, 2019
Jianing Zhao, S. Li and X. Yin*. “A unified framework for verification of observational properties for partially-observed discrete-event systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted 2024.
Yifan Xie, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Optimal synthesis of opacity-enforcing supervisors for qualitative and quantitative specifications.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted and in press, 2024. (Full Paper)
Weijie Dong, X. Yin* and S. Li. “A uniform framework for diagnosis of discrete-event systems with unreliable sensors using linear temporal logic.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(1):145-160, 2024. (Full Paper)
R. Liu, J. Lu, Y. Liu, X. Yin and C.N. Hadjicostis. “Opacity enforcement via greedy privately-and-publicly known insertion functions.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted and in press, 2024.
N. Li, K. Zhang, Z. Li, V. Srivastava and X. Yin. “Cloud-assisted nonlinear model predictive control for finite-duration tasks.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(9):5287-5300, 2023. (Full Paper)
Shuo Yang and X. Yin*. “Secure your intention: On notions of pre-opacity in discrete-event systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(8):4754-4766, 2023. (Full Paper)
Yifan Xie, X. Yin* and S. Li. “Opacity enforcing supervisory control using non-deterministic supervisors.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(12):6567-6582, 2022. (Full Paper)
Zhaocong Liu, X. Yin*, S. Shu, F. Lin and S. Li.
“Online supervisory control of networked discrete-event systems with control delays.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(5):2314-2329, 2022.
(Full Paper)
Y. Ji, X. Yin* and S. Lafortune.
“Local mean payoff supervisory control for discrete event systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted and in press, 2022.
(Full Paper)
Z. Ma, X. Yin and Z.-W. Li.
“Marking predictability and prediction in labeled Petri nets.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(8):3608-3623, 2021.
(Full Paper)
X. Yin, M. Zamani and S. Liu.
“On approximate opacity of cyber-physical systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(4):1630-1645, 2021.
(Full Paper)
X. Yin and S. Li.
“Synthesis of dynamic masks for infinite-step opacity.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(4):1429-1441, 2020.
(Full Paper)
K. Zhang, X. Yin and M. Zamani.
“Opacity of nondeterministic transition systems: A (bi)simulation relation approach.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(12):5116-5123, 2019.
Y. Ji, X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Opacity enforcement using nondeterministic publicly-known edit functions.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(10):4369-4376, 2019.
X. Yin, J. Chen, Z. Li and S. Li.
“Robust fault diagnosis of stochastic discrete event systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(10):4237-4244, 2019.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Synthesis of maximally-permissive non-blocking supervisors for the lower-bound containment problem.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
63(12):4435-4441, 2018.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Minimization of sensor activation in decentralized discrete event systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
63(11):3705-3718, 2018. (Full Paper)
X. Yin.
“Verification of prognosability for labeled Petri nets.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
63(6):1828-1834, 2018.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“On the decidability and complexity of diagnosability for labeled Petri nets.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
62(11):5931-5938, 2017.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Synthesis of maximally-permissive supervisors for the range control problem.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
62(8):3914-3929, 2017. (Full Paper)
X. Yin.
“Supervisor synthesis for mealy automata with output functions: A model transformation approach.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
62(5):2576-2581, 2017.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Decentralized supervisory control with intersection-based architecture.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
61(11):3644-3650, 2016.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“A uniform approach for synthesizing property-enforcing supervisors for partially-observed discrete-event systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
61(8):2140-2154, 2016. (Full Paper)
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Synthesis of maximally permissive supervisors for partially observed discrete event systems.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
61(5):1239-1254, 2016. (Full Paper)
Weijie Dong, K. Zhang, S. Li and X. Yin*. “On the verification of detectability for timed discrete event systems.”
Automatica, accepted, 2024. (Regular Paper)
Peng Lv, Z. Xu, Y, Ji, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Optimal supervisory control of discrete event systems for cyclic tasks.”
Automatica, accepted, 2024. (Regular Paper)
Xinyi Yu, Weijie Dong, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Model predictive monitoring of dynamical systems for signal temporal logic specifications.”
Automatica, 160:111445, 2024. (Regular Paper)
Jingshi Yao, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Sensor deception attacks against security in supervisory control systems.”
Automatica, 159:111330, 2024. (Regular Paper)
Junyao Hou, X. Yin* and S. Li. “A framework for current-state opacity under dynamic information release mechanism.”
Automatica, 140:110238, 2022. (Regular Paper)
Z. Ma, X. Yin and Z.-W. Li.
“Verification and enforcement of strong infinite- and k-step opacity using state recognizers.”
Automatica, 133: 109838, 2021.
Z. Ma, X. Yin and Z.-W. Li.
“Marking diagnosability verification in labeled Petri nets.”
Automatica, 131: 109713, 2021.
Yang Liu, Zhaocong Liu, X. Yin* and S. Li.
“An improved approach for verifying delayed detectability of discrete-event systems.”
124: 109291, 2021.
Y. Ji, X. Yin* and S. Lafortune.
“Optimal supervisory control with mean payoff objectives and under partial observation.”
123:109359, 2021. (Regular Paper)
Y. Ji, X. Yin* and S. Lafortune.
“Enforcing opacity by insertion functions under multiple energy constraints.”
108: 108476, 2019. (Regular Paper)
T. Bai, S. Li, Y. Zou and X. Yin.
“Block-based minimum input design for the structural controllability of complex networks.”
107: 68-76, 2019.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“A general approach for optimizing dynamic sensor activations for discrete event systems.”
105: 376-383, 2019.
T. Masopust and X. Yin*.
“Deciding detectability of labeled Petri nets.”
104: 238-241, 2019.
T. Masopust and X. Yin.
“Complexity of detectability, opacity and A-diagnosability for modular discrete event systems.”
101: 290-295, 2019.
X. Yin, Z. Li, W. Wang and S. Li.
“Infinite-step opacity and K-step opacity of stochastic discrete-event systems.”
99:266-274, 2019.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Verification complexity of a class of observational properties for modular discrete events systems.”
83:199-205, 2017.
X. Yin.
“Initial-state detectability of stochastic discrete-event systems with probabilistic sensor failures.”
80:127-134, 2017.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“A new approach for the verification of infinite-step and K-step opacity using two-way observers.”
80:162-171, 2017. (Regular Paper)
X. Yin and Z. Li.
“Decentralized fault prognosis of discrete event systems with guaranteed performance bound.”
69:375-379, 2016.
X. Yin and S. Lafortune.
“Codiagnosability and coobservability under dynamic observations: Transformation and verification.”
61:241-252, 2015. (Regular Paper)
2023 上海交通大学“青年岗位能手”
2023 上海交通大学“教书育人奖”个人二等奖
2022 上海交通大学“凯原十佳教师”
2021 上海交通大学“青年教师教学竞赛”工科组一等奖
2019 中国过程控制会议张钟俊院士优秀论文奖
2018 福布斯中国2018年30位30岁以下精英榜 (30 Under 30)
2018 Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 杰出审稿人
2017 国家优秀留学生奖学金
2017 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 杰出审稿人
2016 Automatica 杰出审稿人
2016 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control(CDC) 最佳论文提名奖
2016 International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems(WODES) 最佳论文提名奖
离散数学(荣誉), 致远学院,48学时
IEEE 控制系统协会离散事件系统委员会(IEEE CSS TC on DES),主席(Chair), 2023年-至今
IEEE 控制系统协会离散事件系统委员会(IEEE CSS TC on DES),共同主席(Co-Chair), 2016年-222
IEEE 控制系统协会会议编委会(IEEE CSS CEB,包括IEEE CDC、ACC以及CCTA),编委,2019年-至今