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2024至今 上海交通大学自动化系,副研究员2021-2023 上海交通大学自动化系,助理研究员
2019-2021 上海交通大学电气工程系,博士后,合作导师:严正
[J1] Qimin Xu, Bo Yang*, Qiaoni Han, et al., Optimal Power Management for Failure Mode of MVDC Microgrids in All-Electric Ships [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(2): 1054-1067. (SCI, TOP, IF=7.326)
[J2] Qimin Xu, Bo Yang*, Cailian Chen, et al., Distributed Load Shedding for Microgrid with Compensation Support via Wireless Network [J], IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2018, 12(9): 2006-2018. (SCI, IF=2.503)
[J3] Yanzhou Zhang, Qimin Xu*, Lei Xu, et al. Efficient Flow Scheduling for Industrial Time-Sensitive Networking: A Divisibility Theory Based Method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. (SCI, TOP, IF=10.215)[J4] Lei Xu, Qimin Xu*, Cailian Chen, et al., Learning-based Scalable Scheduling Scheme for Time-Triggered Traffic in Time-Sensitive Networking [J], IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. (SCI, TOP, IF=10.238)
[J5] Yajing Zhang#, Qimin Xu#, Guan, Xinping*, et al., Wireless/Wired Integrated Transmission for Industrial Cyber-physical Systems: Risk-sensitive Co-design of 5G and TSN Protocols [J], Science China Information Sciences, 2022, 65(1): 1-16. (SCI, IF=7.275)
[C1] Yanzhou Zhang, Qimin Xu, Mingyan Li, et al. Scalable No-wait Scheduling with Flow-aware Model Conversion in Time-Sensitive Networking[C]//2022 IEEE GLOBECOM, Accepted. (EI)
[C2] Yajing Zhang, Qimin Xu, Mingyan Li, et al. SvTI: SFC-driven Queue Injection in Virtual Time-sensitive Network
via Augmented Topology[C]//2022 IEEE GLOBECOM, Accepted. (EI)
[C3] Yajing Zhang, Qimin Xu, Mingyan Li, et al. QoS-Aware Mapping and Scheduling for Virtual Network Functions in Industrial 5G-TSN Network[C]//2021 IEEE GLOBECOM. IEEE, 2021: 1-6. (EI)
[C4] Lei Xu, Qimin Xu, Yanzhou Zhang, et al. Co-design approach of scheduling and routing in time sensitive networking[C]//2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS). IEEE, 2020, 1: 111-116.
[C5] Qimin Xu, Bo Yang, Yazhou Yuan, et al., Optimal coordinated generation and demand scheduling for ship hybrid energy system [C]// 8th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference, Shanghai, China, 2019, pp. 1-6. (EI)
[P1] 陈彩莲, 许齐敏, 王守亮, 王守亮, 朱善迎, 徐磊, 关新平, Knowledge Inference Engine System and Method of Implementation,美国专利:US17842917, 授权
[P2] 许齐敏, 俞运柱, 陈彩莲, 陈相, 吴开杰, 关新平, 一种面向时间敏感网络的高可靠时钟同步系统及方法,ZL202010391905.1, 授权
[P3] 许齐敏, 张雅静, 陈彩莲, 关新平, 李明妍, 一种软件定义工业异构时间敏感网络系统及资源调度方法,ZL202011496917.7, 授权
[P4] 许齐敏, 涂静正, 陈彩莲, 关新平, 张景龙, 陈营修, 一种基于OPC-UA的软/硬件联合仿真系统及其自适应协同方法,ZL202010756379.4, 授权
[P5] 许齐敏, 郧绮雯, 陈彩莲, 陈营修, 张延洲, 关新平, 一种基于虚拟队列的时间敏感网络交换架构,ZL202010741539.8, 实审
[S1] IEEE C/S SM Standard P2806.1, Standard for Connectivity Requirements of Digital Representation for Physical Objects in Factory Environments (在编,主要起草人,秘书)
[S2] IEEE C/S SM Standard P2791, Standard for the Test Requirements of a Gateway Supporting a Time Sensitive Networking in the Field of Industrial Internet (在编,主要起草人,主席单位DRA)
[S3] IEEE C/S SM Standard P2806, Standard for System Architecture of Digital Representation for Physical Objects in Factory Environments (在编,参编单位DRA)
[S4] CCSA行业标准, 2021-0184T-YD, 工业互联网 时间敏感网络网关设备测试方法 (在编,主要起草人)
[S5] CCSA团体标准, H-202103121665, 工业互联网 时间敏感网络网关设备技术要求 (在编,主要起草人)
[S6] AII联盟团体标准, T11/AII 011-2021, 工业互联网 时间敏感网络网关设备技术要求 (发布,主要起草人)
2022年IEEE TCCPS 工业技术卓越奖
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